BEHIND THE PHOTO: Little Mix arriving at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards…the complete ensemble. Cars pulled up to the left and this was taken from the meet and greet pen, the first photographers they come to. I think about a dozen photographers were in that pen. Very difficult to get all four looking at the same time in your direction, but managed to get three….just about. What looks like a simple just hit the button shot is very complex in exposure terms with a mixture of one in black and two in dazzling white…you have to be careful the ones in white don’t get blown out as in over exposed. The mixture of facial expressions does it for me? Not really my style of shot as in full length, I’m more into the up close and personal within hugging distance sort of intense photo but it’s one the media would snap up!

Image Details
Image reference:
Event name: Little Mix Glamour Women of the Year Awards, Mayfair London 2014
Event date:
Little Mix
Image Type: Editorial Sample
Copyright: © Frank John
Licencing: Images may not be licensed or reproduced, including electronic storage or publicly displayed, without the written consent of Frank John
Buying options: Archive photo NOT available for general sale
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